The Reporter Client Extraction Uproc that extracts all nodes from the UVMS fails with return code 1 as below:
COMMAND: $UNI_DIR_ROOT/reporter_client/exec/uxrepadd EXT -REPNODE Reporter_node -PRODUCT DUAS -UVMS uvms_node -COMPANY company_name EXP
Enhanced status management : return code is 1
Enhanced status management : job status set to ABORTED
In Reporter server.log, the following error appears:
[ERROR] [pool-x-thread-y] com.orsyp.reppub.server.reporter.etl.ExtractionSourceETL - [internal_scheduler_node-company_name-guilty_node-X] Process ABORTED. Status changed to ABORTED. Reason:
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.orsyp.UniverseException: IO Connection problem - Invalid S_NOEUD value. [COMPANY/node/X]
Release : 6.x
Component: Reporter Client
Regarding the following error in server.log:
[ERROR] [pool-x-thread-y] com.orsyp.reppub.server.reporter.etl.ExtractionSourceETL - [internal_scheduler_node-COMPANY-guilty_node-X] Process ABORTED. Status changed to ABORTED. Reason:
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.orsyp.UniverseException: IO Connection problem - Invalid S_NOEUD value. [COMPANY/node/X]
Cause: Issue caused by the fact that the node called "guilty_node" had been declared into UVMS with a hostname whose DNS record pointed to a different node called "correct_node", so when Reporter or UVC would try to connect to the node, the node would reply that its nodename was a different one.
Delete the Node "guilty_node" from the UVMS or fix its node name and hostname so that it targets the correct node hostname/node name.