Deleting user for provisioning servers with synch accounts to delete child accounts
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Deleting user for provisioning servers with synch accounts to delete child accounts


Article ID: 205396


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


We have an Identity Suite Installed and configured.

We have Users in the Provisioning Store. I wanted to clean entire user data from provisioning


Release : 14.3



Delete Control Statement
Use the DELETE control statement to delete an existing object or inclusion. The basic syntax is.

etautil [-d domain][-u user [-p password]] [-n] delete
  base dn class name=keyname
If the object to be deleted is an inclusion object, the syntax is:

etautil [-d domain] [-user [-p password]] [-n]  delete
  base dn class name=keyname 
  in parent base dn parent class
  name=keyname [relationship=rel]
Deleting Global Users and their Relationships
Use the DELETE control statement to delete a global user and its relationships. You can use this statement to delete a specific global user and all of its inclusion objects, such as an inclusion object that makes the global user a member of a global user group. The syntax is

etautil [-d domain] [-u user [-p password]] [-n] delete
  eTGlobalUser globalusername=user name

Sample Command
etautil ... delete 
  'eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects' 
  eTGlobalUser GlobalUserName=jonje101 


Note: To delete a global user, its relationships, and all its accounts, use the UPDATE control statement, as described in Deleting Global Users, their Relationships, and their Accounts.

Deleting Global Users, Their Relationships, and Their Accounts
Use the UPDATE control statement to delete a global user, its relationships, and all associated accounts. This control statement performs the same actions as the DELETE control statement, and, in addition, deletes all of the global user's accounts on each endpoint and in the Provisioning repository. 

For example, suppose a global user has an account named account1 on the endpoint named MYNTMACHINE, a Windows NT server. If you use the UPDATE control statement to delete the global user, then account1 is removed from the Provisioning Directory and the computer when you execute the command. However, if you use the DELETE control statement to delete the global user, then account1 remains on the endpoint and the Windows NT server, even though the associated global user was deleted.

To delete a global user, its relationships, and all associated accounts, use the following syntax:

etautil [-n] [-d domain] 
  [-u user [-p password]]  
  eTGlobalUser globalusername=user_name 
  to DeleteUserAndAccounts=1 

Sample Command
etautil ... update 
  'eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects'
  eTGlobalUser  GlobalUserName=user01  to  DeleteUserAndAccounts=1