When I try to do a bulk upload and select a file with the wrong extension IDM tells me that only .csv or .xls files can be uploaded, but I am attempting to upload a file created per the documentation in Excel.
There are several various errors I try to go through the process using a. xls I get an error, for example:
"CSVParser can parse only files with a .csv or .xls extensions:"
"File Not Valid - The file should contain a valid header with at least two attributes"
Release : 14.2
This is due to differing formatting depending on the version of Excel and the file format the import file is saved under.
Identity Management Bulk Loader requires either a .csv or .xls file. If working in excel ensure the file import file in the Excel 97-2003 Workbook(*.xls) format from the Save As save menu:
Please see the documentation for specific bulk load file formatting requirements and some examples: