When SOI loses SDM connection, after an hard-coded polling interval, it will not retry to reestablish connection. So When SOI manager (Escalation Engine) loses connection with SDM, the only option to re-establish the connection is to restart "CA SOI Application Server" service.
How long is this hardcoded timeout? Would an outstanding ticket closing be done after a successful connection retry? Does SOI stop retrying every minute after a defined duration and is that duration configurable?
Release : 4.2
Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager
When SOI lost SDM connection, after hard-coded polling interval, it will not retry.
So the CA SOI Application service needs to be restarted to reconnect.
SOI retries SD connection in every 1 minute. This one min retry interval is not configurable. There is no way to change this interval manually.
There is no duration defined for SOI to stop retrying the connection. Retry happens on every one min.
If closing of tickets are not handled via actions, SOI cannot retry anything.
To retry the action, SOI first looks into the ActionHistory table for failed actions and retries all of them.