How to set up a remote compare where the Source and target reside on different LPARs.
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How to set up a remote compare where the Source and target reside on different LPARs.


Article ID: 20538


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RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS


Using RC/Compare for Db2 for z/OS (RCC), the Source and Target Subsystem Specifications must be set up correctly to do a
remote compare (comparing two objects across different LPARS)


  1. Create a Compare strategy (type C); Specify your source SSID

  2. On the RC/M Compare Option Menu, select option 1 (1 - Source DB2 Subsystem -> Target DB2 Subsystem)

  3. Select your primary object type

  4. Under Source Subsystem Specification , the SSID should be set to your source SSID

  5. Set Location to LOCAL

  6. Select your object name and creator (optional)

  7. Under Target Subsystem Specification, this should be set to your source SSID ( this is necessary for a remote compare)

  8. Set the Target Location to the LOCATION for the target (very important). This should be shown in the SETUP member under the Source SSID as
    an additional Location/LOCSSID and is defined in SYSIBM.LOCATIONS.

  9. Select your object name and creator (optional)

  10. Select a Rule Set and Mask Set