Is there a Report available to see what users are running Reports on in the Console, including rows returned from previous executions?
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Is there a Report available to see what users are running Reports on in the Console, including rows returned from previous executions?


Article ID: 205374


Updated On:


IT Management Suite IT Management Suite


Is there a report of what individual users have been running reports on in the Console?

We think data went missing in a particular report, is there history of how many rows a specific report has returned on previous executions?


This SQL Query below will return the last 30 days (by default) of reports run and the results returned from each report.

select rr.[User], rr.ItemName Report, rr.StartTime, rr.TimeTakenSecs

   , rr.NumRowsReturned [Rows Returned], rr.NumRowsTotal [Rows Total], rr.ReportParams [Report Parameters]

from Evt_NS_Report_Run rr

where rr.StartTime > getdate() - 30  ---  returns data from last 30 days