CA Endevor Quickedit command line issue
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CA Endevor Quickedit command line issue


Article ID: 205354


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


All QuickEdit panels appear to have the Command line at the top, regardless of the command line setting in ISPF option 0. 

Is there any configuration at the individual user level in Endevor or Quickedit that could have changed this (probably accidentally)?


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


The Command line on the QuickEdit primary panel (ENDIE110) is hard coded to always be on the top and cannot be changed.
The QE Selection List panel (ENDIE250)  and edit panel (ENDIE300)  are controlled by the ISPF 0 SETTINGS option.
If after changing the ISPF 0 SETTINGS option for  "/   Command line at bottom" , does not reposition the command line on the QE Selection List panel (ENDIE250)  and edit panel (ENDIE300)  to the bottom of the screen, try deleting the CTL* ISPPROF entities from the user's  xxxxx.ISPF.ISPPROF file.