Timesheets View is different for a user with restricted access
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Timesheets View is different for a user with restricted access


Article ID: 20535


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Clarity PPM On Premise


Some end-users noticed some missing fields in the Filter Section on the Timesheets List View (action:timeadmin.timesheet) and they are not able to see past timesheets for 'Closed' Time Reporting Periods.

Can you please explain why different users have different views for the Timesheet List page?


Here is what our users see:

Group #1 - IT Business Users
Business resources in the IT group, see additional filter fields and when filtering for past dates, can see past timesheets when selecting a Custom Range of dates in the past and clicking the 'Filter' button. These end-users are able to see 'Closed' Time Reporting Periods in the past.

Group #2 - Non IT Business Users
Other business users (not in the IT group) do not see the additional fields in the filter section and when filtering for a Custom Range for past dates, do not see past Timesheets for 'Closed' Time Reporting periods. They are able to see past Timesheets if the Time Reporting period is still 'Open'.


The end-user's view of the Timesheets page will depend on the configuration of the access rights granted to the end-user.

Group #1 - IT Business Users
The IT Business Users belong to a system group definition that allows the end-user to 'Approve' Timesheets.
When this access right is granted, the end-user will be able to see additional fields in the filter section.
When this access right is granted, the end-user will be able to filter and retrieve 'Closed' Time Reporting Periods.
The 'Resource - Approve Time' access right can be granted through a group, through a Security OBS Unit or directly on the User profile at the Global, OBS Unit or Instance level for at least one resource, the current resource or for other active resources with Track Mode = Clarity and Open For Time Entry = true.  

Configuration Example:

  1. Create the 'IT Business Users' group with the following rights:
    Global: Timesheet - Navigate
    Resource - Approve Time : at the Global, OBS Unit or Instance level (granted for the 'IT Business User' Resource only)
  2. Assign the IT Business User Resource to the group
  3. Login as the IT Business User
  4. Home, Timesheets : Observe the Timesheets Filter Section Layout
  5. Select a Custom Range from 11-MAR-2013

The system has Closed Time Reporting Periods from March 11, 2013 through March 31, 2013 for the current user. 
Because the end-user has the 'Resource - Approve Time' access right granted, the 'Closed' Time Reporting periods are returned in the search results.

NOTE: This access right will also make it possible for the user to approve Timesheets.

Group #2 - Non IT Business Users :
The Non-IT Business Users do not have the 'Resource - Approve Time' access right and therefore do not see the additional fields in the Filter Section and when filtering for past dates, only see past time reporting periods that are 'Open'.

Configuration Example:

  1. Create a Non-IT Business User Resource
  2. Create the 'Non-IT Business Users' system group with the following access right
    Global: Timesheet - Navigate
  3. Login as the Non-IT Business User
  4. Home, Timesheets : Observe the Timesheets Filter Section Layout
  5. Select a Custom Range from 11-MAR-2013

In the example below, the user does not see the 'Closed' Time Reporting Periods and does not see the additional fields in the Filter Section without the 'approval' rights granted for any active resource.

Additional Information

If you need to have a restricted user access timesheets that are in a closed time period, one recommendation is to make a copy of the 'My Timesheets' (cop.invMyTimesheets) query and modify it so that it includes 'closed' time periods.