Spectrum Server Down - Required capabilities cap_net_raw and cap_net_bind_service are not set properly
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Spectrum Server Down - Required capabilities cap_net_raw and cap_net_bind_service are not set properly


Article ID: 205290


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Getting below Error trace message in VNM.OUT

The following output is intended to facilitate debugging, please forward
to CA technical support.  The files listed are not part of the customer
installation of SPECTRUM.

Dec 17 08:05:17 ERROR TRACE at VNM.cc(446): Required capabilities cap_net_raw and cap_net_bind_service are not set properly.
Dec 17 08:05:17 ERROR TRACE at VNM.cc(447): If installed Spectrum as non-root,Please run the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/CASpectrum_ProcessRegister.sh as root to properly set capabilities if not run earlier
Dec 17 08:05:17 ERROR TRACE at VNM.cc(448): If replaced SpectroSERVER file, then once start SS using startSS.pl with install owner


Release : 10.4

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


SpectroSERVER file is replaced 


Dont start spectroserver from Spectrum Control Panel (SCP)


Login to the server with install owner


Open bash login (bash -l or a terminal in linux)



cd $SPECROOT/bin 



cd %SPECROOT%/bin



This should start the spectroserver without any errors.

Additional Information

In this scenario we have replaced the SpectroSERVER file hence we need to follow the steps given in the resolution.