After the Easytrieve Report Generator MSP edition is upgraded from R6.2 to R6.3, the existing program may fail. If there are more than 28 report formats in the program, the program will fail. The following error message will be displayed for the 28th PRINT statement.
Release : 6.3
Environment : FUJITSU(MSP)
If the PTF QS42711 is applied to the Easytrieve Report Generator MSP edition R6.3, this problem occurs.
The following comments was described in the "Problem Resolution" of the QS42711.
1.This zap supports up to 27 reports in a job. If the number of reports exceeds 27, a S0C1 abend occurs in EZTPD03+1556.
2.After applying the zap, EZTPD03 is no longer re-entrant in spite of the module attribute.
The test PTF T3BE737 was created for this problem.
However, the customer already decided that they doesn’t apply test PTF at present because they have avoided the problem by separating the program. So, the test PTF can’t be published as an official PTF.