I am having trouble locating information on some Datacom products. Can you please explain what are the following products being used for?
Each one has a key for mainframe usage and I need information about Datacom SQL, VSAM/T, DBC CICS Services.
Component: Datacom/AD
Component: Datacom/DB
The Datacom/DB product line is made up of the database core required products and a set of optional products which can be found under the Datacom Tools documentation. Most sites have at least 1 or 2 of the optional products installed for their specific business needs. Datacom/AD is a tuned version of Datacom/DB and its description can be found down below in the "Other" section.
Core Required Products
Optional Products
Knowledge Article 24713: What is Datacom/AD and Difference Between Datacom/DB?
Knowledge Article 142767: How to know if Datacom/AD or Datacom/DB is in use
Techdocs Documentation can be found here: