An unexpected error occurred while saving this schedule. See the Altiris log for more information.
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An unexpected error occurred while saving this schedule. See the Altiris log for more information.


Article ID: 205260


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


You are scheduling a task to run against a target, and when pressing the schedule button, you receive an error stating:  An unexpected error occurred while saving this schedule.  See the Altiris log for more information.

Reviewing the logs on the SMP server reveals the following error:

Module: Altiris.TaskManagement.Web.dll
Source: Altiris.TaskManagement.Web.TaskScheduleMaintenance.OK_Click
Description: Unexpected exception creating new task schedule

Couldn't resolve target filter.


ITMS 8.5, 8.6


Security role does not have read permissions to the All Computers filter.


Grant the security role, which includes the member, read access to the all computers filter.  To accomplish this, you can follow these steps:

Navigate to Settings > Security > Security Role Manager

Select your security role from the Role drop-down.

Under the view drop-down, select Filters

You want to verify that the All Computers filter GUID matches the screenshot above.  There are times were you might have a custom filter created called All Computers.