Failed to execute ModifyPolicyEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: SmApiWrappedException:Class CA.SM::UserPolicy does not have attribute CA.SM::UserPolicy.IMSEnvironmentLink
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Failed to execute ModifyPolicyEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: SmApiWrappedException:Class CA.SM::UserPolicy does not have attribute CA.SM::UserPolicy.IMSEnvironmentLink


Article ID: 205231


Updated On:


CA Single Sign-On CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


Observed below error message while creating domain from AdminUI.

Upgraded the Policy Server from 12.5 to 12.8 release but observed below error message in AdminUI while updating the existing policies or create a new domain.

Error message:

Failed to execute ModifyPolicyEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: SmApiWrappedException:Class CA.SM::UserPolicy does not have attribute CA.SM::UserPolicy.IMSEnvironmentLink


Version: Applicable to all the supported Policy Server Versions.
Component: SMPLC (Policy Server).


While upgrading their environment to 12.8 version customer Integrated with IDM which caused the issue.


- Kindly check the zerog registry file to see if the extensions are enabled. (Zero G located under C:\Program Files in Windows (It's a hidden file) and under /var in Linux)

- Verify the ImsVersion Registry Key on the Policy Server.

- For Policy Servers running on Unix/Linux platforms:

Verify that the following entry exists in the " sm.registry " file:

ImsInstalled=8.0; REG_SZ

- For Policy Servers running on Windows platforms:

Run the following command to edit the registry:

- regedit

Navigate to the following path:

64-bit Policy Server (version 12.6 and above):


Verify that a string (REG_SZ) key is defined as follows.


If this is present remove it and restart the policy server.

- Commenting out that line from registry solved the problem and they are able to create the domain from AdminUI.