Upgrading ITMS 8.5 RU3 to RU4 and SIM was stuck on task 57 of 72 tasks at "Configure Deployment..."
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Upgrading ITMS 8.5 RU3 to RU4 and SIM was stuck on task 57 of 72 tasks at "Configure Deployment..."


Article ID: 205225


Updated On: 12-15-2022


Client Management Suite


Upgrading ITMS 8.5 RU3 to RU4 and SIM was stuck on task 57 of 72 tasks at "Configure Deployment..."



ITMS 8.5


Open Task Manager and check in the Details tab if there are two instances of bootwiz running. If so, stop them. It should allow SIM to continue the "Configure Deployment" process.  

NOTE: Secondary suggestions were give to upgrade to ADK 2004 and deleting and recreating your automation folder. (See KB 150348 for additional information)