Systems around the world are downloading from incorrect Package Servers in the US.
Incorrect Subnet settings gathered from Inventory
Not using the "Prevent Download" settings in 8.5.
Find the Subnets that are not explicitly assigned to a Site in Sites and Subnets (Most likely came from errant inventory like
select * from Inv_Subnet sn
where sn._ResourceGuid not in (
select ssm.SubnetGuid from vSiteSubnetMap ssm)
Delete them:
insert into ItemToDelete
select sn._ResourceGuid, getdate()
from inv_subnet sn
where sn._ResourceGuid not in (
select ssm.SubnetGuid from vSiteSubnetMap ssm)
Also, see KB 162904 to disable the Subnet Resource Creation Schedule, so Inventoried subnets do not come in again.
Also see KB 204355 to learn about the new settings in 8.5 to "Prevent Downloads" from other Package Servers.