SMF Type 231 records flooding SMF datasets starting Web Viewer 14.0
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SMF Type 231 records flooding SMF datasets starting Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 205169


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


When starting the Web Viewer server in Apache Tomcat Server Job the SMF datasets get flooded with type 231 records. 

Out of over 400,000 records only one flags as an Error

CA Mainframe Security     - z/OS USS Event Log           
      SERVICE      USERID    GROUP        UID         GID    SAF  RC   RSN     
        DATE          TIME    JOBNAME   SOURCE   SYSID   CPU   SECLABEL        
  ck_process_owner <USERID>   <GROUP>        42856       10000   8    8    4     
  12/09/20  20.344    5.49.10 CXD091WV                   MVS5                  
  Failed - Caller not authorized to use this callable service                  
   Real Uid     :            0 Effective UID:            0                     
   Saved UID    :            0                                                 
   Target PID   :            0                                                 
   Signal code  : Signal n/a for type 3 (getpsent) requests                    
   Signal code  :            0    



Release : 14.0

Component : CA Output Management Web Viewer


The acid had an Audit attribute


Setting up a new acid for Web Viewer without the Audit attribute has resolved the excessive type 231 records issues.

Additional Information

SMF Type 231 records are written by CA Top Secret (TSS) for Unix System Services security events. Security events include both problems as well as non-problem events such as TSS’s granting access to a particular resource to a particular user.