Disable the default page in IIS
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Disable the default page in IIS


Article ID: 205141


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


If you are required to disable the default page in IIS to resolve a vulnerability, please see this document.


Any IIS Web Server


In order to configure IIS server [IIS 7 and above] for disabling default page, please follow the below required steps:

1. Start IIS manger:

Go to run window and type “inetmgr” and hit enter to open IIS web server in your windows system.

2. Select Default Document Option:

Now go under sites option in left side bar and select Default Web Site. Click on “Default Document” option as shown in below screenshot.

3. Select Default.htm (Page to be disable)

Click the Default.htm page and disable it from the Actions pane appears in the right side.

Once Default.htm is disable, then it will result in 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied error, when accessed default document. However, accessing NFA Console with ‘/ra’ will continue to work without any impact.