We have been troubleshooting a few features in our Production workspace, F275396, F275431, F275435, that are failing to sync to Jira. No matter what we try to get them to sync, it errors out with one of the two errors below.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: { "statusCode": 500, "errorMessage": "Error while executing Resource JavaScript reaction - line 0: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {\"errorMessages\":[],\"errors\":{\"project\":\"project is required\"}}", "message": [ "reaction", 0, "Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {\"errorMessages\":[],\"errors\":{\"project\":\"project is required\"}}" ], "errorCode": 50045}
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: { "statusCode": 500, "errorMessage": "Error while executing Resource JavaScript reaction - line 0: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {\"errorMessages\":[\"Internal server error\"],\"errors\":{}}", "message": [ "reaction", 0, "Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {\"errorMessages\":[\"Internal server error\"],\"errors\":{}}" ], "errorCode": 50045}
What we have found out is that the 3 features we were given were all created on November 17th in Rally. The instance they were supposed to sync to, our PPE Jira instance, was down that day which is what caused the initial failure of the "Internal Server Error". We need help to figure out what we need to do to get these features syncing over to Jira now that the instance is back up.
This is what I found in the jira_action table when searching for that particular ident.
All of the Actions are Inserts
First Payload: Has all the fields, even project
Last Payload: {"fields":{"issuetype":{"name":"Epic"}}}
Frist Error: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {"errorMessages":["Internal server error"],"errors":{}}
All other errors: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"project":"project is required"}}
I did clear out the fields for the object in the Jira object table and have requested the user to cause an update to see if that creates it in Jira or if we get another error. Also looking at the Rally history, we had asked them to move projects to force an update to the project field. Looks like they moved projects and back to the original project instantly so the Jira Adapter may not have seen the update. I am asking if they can try that after the other update to see if giving it more time picks it up and fixes it.
Release : SAAS
Switching of projects forced the update to allow the feature to be created in Jira.
Troubleshooting steps:
Please clear out the Jira field table for this object. The action table is only populated when something is propagated to the target system, so in this case, I would look at the jira_action table to see why the update to Jira is failing.
Take a look at the payload and also the status message if there is one.
What is the target data for the reaction, and also if there is anything in the jira_action table for that jira_object_ident
This is what I found in the jira_action table when searching for that particular ident.
All of the Actions are Inserts
First Payload: Has all the fields, even project
Last Payload: {"fields":{"issuetype":{"name":"Epic"}}}
Frist Error: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {"errorMessages":["Internal server error"],"errors":{}}
All other errors: Unexpected error in updateJira rule: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"project":"project is required"}}
I did clear out the fields for the object in the Jira object table and have requested the user to cause an update to see if that creates it in Jira or if we get another error. Also looking at the Rally history, we had asked them to move projects to force an update to the project field. Looks like they moved projects and back to the original project instantly so the Jira Adapter may not have seen the update. I am asking if they can try that after the other update to see if giving it more time picks it up and fixes it.