We have several Arista devices monitored in our environment and we observed that several traps are received for temperature from an entity but it never alerted.
Event 6710003 configured with conditional severity to alert if variable 4 has value 2,3 or 4 and clear if variable hold value 0. But it did not alert even after multiple traps with variable 4 holding value 4 in these traps.
Release : 10.4.1
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER ( entStateAlarm ) is of type EntityAlarmStatus.
Again EntityAlarmStatus is of type BITS which takes values { unknown(0), underRepair(1), critical(2), major(3), minor(4), warning(5), indeterminate(6) }.
The Event conditions are existing only for critical(2), major(3), minor(4) severity types.
Bit 2 or critical(2) at device corresponds to value 32 in which case Spectrum generates Major alarm ( 0x6710005 )
Bit 3 or Major (3) at device corresponds to value 16 in which case Spectrum generates Minor alarm ( 0x6710006 )
Bit 4 or Minor (4) at device corresponds to value 8 in which case Spectrum generates Minor alarm ( 0x6710007 )
0x6710003 E 20 A { v 4 Arista.aristaEntSensorAlarm },0x06710003 R CA.EventCondition, "({v 4} == {O 32})" , "0x6710005 -:-","({v 4} == {O 16})" , "0x6710006 -:-","({v 4} == {O 8})" , "0x6710007 -:-"