How to collect dcdebug discovery logging
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How to collect dcdebug discovery logging


Article ID: 205086


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


If there is a problem with discovery, the first place to look is usually the discovery logs.

Where can Data Aggregator Discovery messages be found to review results?

Where can Data Collector Discovery failure related messages be found?


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


Most common discovery errors are caused by

incorrect community strings, possible firewalls between the data collector and the target or restrictive Access Control Lists (ACL).


Even though this is called the DCdebug page, referring to the Data Collectors with the DC reference the host we connect to is the DA host.

Go to <Scheme>://<DA_HOST>:<Port>/dcdebug/searchdebug.html

  • Replace <DA_HOST> with your DA hostname.

For example in a default non-HTTPS DA it would be http://<DA_HOST>:8581/dcdebug/ 

A page like this will appear:

Put in the IP of the target device and select the correct IP domain.

Now select the Discover Logging by IP option. Lastly choose the "Download As Zip" button to collect the logs.

Please note - if the IP address does not get any match, try the Free Text Search at the bottom for the same IP. Use it with caution because it may crash the Data Collector. The crash will be fixed in the PM 22.2.6 release.

Additional Information

We have no way to tell what IP is currently setup for detailed poll or SNMP logging. You could just choose any IP being polled, set it to do detailed SNMP and poll logging, then set same IP to stop snmp/poll debug.

Detailed Poll Logging and Detailed SNMP Logging can be done for one device at a time.