PIM Installation Recognizes Hostname as "localhost"
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PIM Installation Recognizes Hostname as "localhost"


Article ID: 205077


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CA Virtual Privilege Manager CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM)


When installing a PIM or PAMSC endpoint on Linux, the installation recognizes the hostname as localhost, which causes issues with the TERMINAL rules and deployed policies.

In the installation log file, the following is observed:
'* log start: ['Mon Dec 14 01:23:45 -06 2020']' : /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/selang -l -silent /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/selang -l -silent
Successfully updated USER root
Successfully updated USER pamscadmin
Successfully updated USER root
WARNING: 'pamsctest01' is not the TERMINAL's fully qualified name (it is 'localhost')
Successfully created TERMINAL localhost
WARNING: 'pamsctest01' is not the TERMINAL's fully qualified name (it is 'localhost')
Successfully added root to localhost's ACL
Successfully added pamscadmin to localhost's ACL
Successfully added root to localhost's ACL
'* log end..: ['Mon Dec 14 01:23:45 -06 2020']' : /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/selang -l -silent /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/selang -l -silent



PAM Server Control 14.x


The installation will use native Linux commands to determine the hostname for the endpoint. If it is resolving to localhost or any incorrect hostname, then there is a native issue on the OS which is causing the issue.


Review the system's configuration to determine where the improper hostname is coming from.

Some commands to check whether the OS is properly resolving the hostname:
# hostname
# hostname -fqdn
# hostnamectl
# cat /etc/machine-info
# cat /etc/nslookup
# cat /etc/hosts