Easytrieve Report Generator: How should I do to customize the font sizes in the DBCS option?
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Easytrieve Report Generator: How should I do to customize the font sizes in the DBCS option?


Article ID: 205031


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL Easytrieve Report Generator for Common Services


How should he do to know the setting Font sizes in the DBCS option?

How should he do to customize the Font sizes? 


Release : 6.3

Component : CA Easytrieve Plus Report Generator


The Font sizes can be changed or added in the XRPT customization. Please see the "Extended Report Facility Guide" for the XRPT customization. 

The XRPT customization can be customized in the installation JCL of the Easytrieve Report Generator.  (For R6.4, the CA\AILS2 jcl member in the Prefix.SAMPJCL.)