Create DB2 database for the Automation Engine.
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Create DB2 database for the Automation Engine.


Article ID: 204998


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


In case needed stop the existing DB2 instance and drop it (this might be needful if the initial installation failed or was done wrong):

db2stop force
db2 drop db <db>

Create the IBM DB2 database:

db2 create db <db> automatic storage yes using codeset ISO-8859-15 territory US

Configure the newly created database:

db2 -v update database cfg for <db> using DLCHKTIME 1000
db2 -v update database cfg for <db> using DB2_SKIPINSERTED ON
db2 -v update database cfg for <db> using APPLHEAPSZ 2048
db2 -v update database cfg for <db> using AUTO_RUNSTATS OFF
db2set -gd DB2_WORKLOAD=WC

Logon to the newly created database and configure the tablespaces:

db2 connect to <db>
db2 create bufferpool bpool_8k pagesize 8k
db2 create bufferpool bpool_16k pagesize 16k
db2 create bufferpool bpool_32k pagesize 32k

db2 create tablespace TS_8K pagesize 8k managed by automatic storage bufferpool bpool_8k
db2 create tablespace TS_16K pagesize 16k managed by automatic storage bufferpool bpool_16k
db2 create tablespace TS_32K pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage bufferpool bpool_32k

db2 "create temporary tablespace TEMP_8K pagesize 8K managed by system using ('/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/temp8k.tmp') bufferpool bpool_8k"
db2 "create temporary tablespace TEMP_16K pagesize 16K managed by system using ('/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/temp16k.tmp') bufferpool bpool_16k"
db2 "create temporary tablespace TEMP_32K pagesize 32K managed by system using ('/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/temp32k.tmp') bufferpool bpool_32k"

db2 "create regular tablespace REG_8K pagesize 8k managed by automatic storage autoresize yes bufferpool bpool_8k"
db2 "create regular tablespace REG_16K pagesize 16k managed by automatic storage autoresize yes bufferpool bpool_16k"
db2 "create regular tablespace REG_32K pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage autoresize yes bufferpool bpool_32k"

Grant privileges

db2 grant dbadm on database to user <user>
db2set db2codepage=ISO-8859-15

and set the codepage:



Further information for IBM DB2 can be found in our documentation:

Preparing the AE Database - DB2