What interaction does Jobtrac have with Common Services/ENF?
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What interaction does Jobtrac have with Common Services/ENF?


Article ID: 204986


Updated On:


Jobtrac Automic Automation Intelligence


Jobtrac needs ENF events to track the status of jobs being ran under Jobtrac.  The ENF events provide information on jobinit, jobterm, jobfail, purge and stepterm.


Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


Jobtrac needs ENF events to track the status of jobs being ran under Jobtrac.  The CAIENF events provide information on jobinit, jobterm, jobfail, purge and stepterm.   Jobtrac processes different job-related events (like job init, jobterm, jobfail, etc.)  that are monitored and posted by Common Services/ENF.  Job tracking is now  performed through the CAIENF Common Service.  Jobtrac  does not scan the JES spool for job status. Jobtrac instead uses information from SMF exits and CAIENF to establish event status.           
   Starting with Jobtrac r11, CAIENF tracks the status of jobs that Jobtrac submits by creating event records.  The following are the events that CAIENF creates for each job that runs under Jobtrac:  

 EVENTS                 RECORDS

 CHDUJV2S                  1                                                                  
 JOBINIT                       1                                                                  
 JOBTERM                    1                                                                  
 JOBFAIL                       1                                                                  
 PURGE                        1                                                                  
 STEPTERM                 1 event for each step of the job                                   

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.