"Client Job" or "Server Job" shows unexpected text in UI in case of foreign language usage in Console
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"Client Job" or "Server Job" shows unexpected text in UI in case of foreign language usage in Console


Article ID: 204976


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


There is a wrong unexpected text near the "Edit" and "Delete" buttons In "Client Job" or "Server Job" if SMP Console language is set to any other language except English.
No such problems when SMP Console language is set to English.
1. ITMS 8.5 RU4 + language packs
2. Open SMP Console -> Manage -> Jobs and tasks -> create a Client Job or Server Job -> switch console language from English to any other language, 
for example German, French or Japanese -> see result


ITMS 8.5 RU4


Known issue.


This issue has been reported to the Symantec Development team. A fix has been added to our next release: ITMS 8.6


  1. SMP Console -> Manage -> Jobs and Tasks -> create a new "SQL Query" task and put there this query:

    update StaticString
    set String = ''
    where TypeGuid = '3e2396ab-4518-45b2-9911-2e74c1517d02'
    and StringRef in ('delete','edit')

  2. Once "SQL Query" task is completed, then reset IIS on SMP Server (running for example "iisreset" from the command prompt as Administrator) 
  3. Refresh SMP Console page and open "Client Job" or "Server Job", now UI should look correctly.