"Copy File" Tasks created on the Child SMP are replicating up to the Parent SMP
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"Copy File" Tasks created on the Child SMP are replicating up to the Parent SMP


Article ID: 204966


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IT Management Suite


"Copy File" Tasks created on the Child SMP are replicating up to the Parent SMP.

  1. Create a new folder on the Child SMP under Jobs and Tasks.
  2. Create a new "Copy File" task. Select just created Folder>Right-click>New>Task. From Create New Task window>Deployment>Copy File
  3. Add the required option for Source,  Location, and Destination. Save task.
  4. Run Differential Replication on the Child to the Parent SMP. 
  5. Check for the new folder and "CopyFile" task under the "Jobs and Tasks" tree on the parent SMP. It will be there.
  6. Now the Child SMP has the "CopyFile" task as "Read-Only" on the Child SMP: You cannot edit this task because it has been replicated to this NS.


ITMS 8.5 RU3, RU4


Known issue. Seems to be the dependency on the software package, that implemented for the task "CopyFile" in the previous release is the reason for the task replication up the hierarchy.

Packages are replicating up since CopyFileTask resources that are created for this task are plain SoftwareComponentResource(s). So they are replicated unconditionally up by "Software Resource Summary" Relocation rule. It just takes all resources of SoftwareComponentResource type and replicates them up ignoring any replication direction settings. The same story is with Image resources.


This issue has been fixed in  ITMS 8.6