CADB2038 - invalid parm message when using DB2 DISPLAY BLOCKERS command
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CADB2038 - invalid parm message when using DB2 DISPLAY BLOCKERS command


Article ID: 204959


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COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS Common Services Top Secret ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - DB2 Option


New IBM DB2 PTF UI69433 (APAR PH10826) introduced new DB2 BLOCKERS command

An attempt to utilize this command ended with an SVC Dump "TITLE=CA-Security for DB2 - An invalid parm has been passed"

The dump is followed by message: CADB2038 - An invalid parm has been passed.



CA Common Services CAIENF/DB2 component

Plus: ACF2/DB2 or TSS/DB2




The new IBM command is driving a security call without supplying expected information about the caller. This is an unexpected situation to the Security products.

This results in the CA Security/DB2 product to generate a diagnostic dump and issue a CADB2038 message.

The diagnostic dump is issued the first time the problem is encountered during a DB2 regions execution.


IBM has open APAR PH29920 that should address this.  It is scheduled to close 12/28/20.  IBM PTF should be available after that.