Not able to configure rdbdirpassword attribute
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Not able to configure rdbdirpassword attribute


Article ID: 204954


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


The rdbdirpassword attribute is required while integrating Identity Governance and Identity Manager.

After adding the rdbdirpassword in the Identity Manager Management Console > Advanced Settings > Miscellaneous the attribute is not added to the list


Identity Manager 14.x 


There are two process, first one to add the rdbdirpassword attribute and the other one in case you need its value to be displayed encrypted


To add the rdbdirpassword to the Miscellaneous page

  • Open Identity Manager Management Console.
  • Navigate to Home › Environments › identityEnv › Advanced Settings
  • Click the Export button
  • Open the XML file and search for "<UserDefined>" without quotes
  • Add the line below inside of <UserDefined> tag, changing to the correct value
        <Property name="rdbdirpassword">Here-Type-The-Value</Property>
  • Save the file
  • Back to Home › Environments › identityEnv › Advanced Settings
  • Import the file you changed
  • Restart environment and check if the rdbdirpassword property is defined


To generate the hash you can use the password Tool

  • From CA IdM installation folder "/IdentityManager/IAM_Suite/IdentityManager/tools/PasswordTool"
  • Run the command:
  • Copy the encrypted value and paste in the rdbdirpassword attribute at IdM Management Console.

Additional Information

How to Integrate with CA Identity Manager