Jaspersoft upgrade best practices for Clarity
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Jaspersoft upgrade best practices for Clarity


Article ID: 204899


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are using an old Jaspersoft release and you want to upgrade. What is the best approach for upgrading both Jaspersoft and Apache Tomcat?


Release : Any



We do not have an in-place upgrade for Jaspersoft, and part of the data during the upgrade is reimported. This is why we recommend exporting any custom reports you're having and import into a new install. This approach causes much fewer issues. 

  1. Note the ports used for Jaspersoft in case they are not the default
  2. Go to Home - Advanced Reporting - View - Repository 
  3. Navigate to the custom reports folder
  4. Right-click and select Export 
  5. Save as a ZIP file
  6. Stop and remove any old Tomcat installation from this server
  7. Drop the database schema
  8. Create a new database schema as per the documentation
  9. Do a new clean install of Jaspersoft  with the new install of Apache Tomcat on the latest versions
  10. Run the Jaspersoft keystore command
    admin jaspersoft keystore
  11. Run the Jaspersoft content command
    admin content-jaspersoft csk -userName superuser -password superuser
  12. Run the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job in the UI
  13. Once completed, go to Jaspersoft Console (outside of Clarity Advanced Reporting) - Manage - Server Settings - Import and import the zip file saved in Step 1

All the detailed steps are stated here: Install and Configure Advanced Reporting with Jaspersoft 7.8.0