SOLVE/NetMaster - Summary PDF log always produced in the Activity Log
SOLVE/NetMaster - Summary PDF log always produced in the Activity Log
Article ID: 204821
Updated On: 12-09-2020
SOLVE:Operations AutomationSOLVE: Access Session ManagementSOLVE:Access Session ManagementSOLVE:FTSMAINFRAME CONNECTOR FOR LINUX ON MAINFRAME
We have resources that execute a Process at a specific heartbeat interval.
Noticed that a SUMMARY PDF LOG is written to the SOLVE Activity Log even though $LOG=SUMM is not specified. This only seems to occur where there is a Process for a Display and Heartbeat
Release : 11.9
Component : CA SOLVE:Operations Automation for z/OS
The documentation correctly states that the Process Driver will default $LOG to NO. Unfortunately, what is not documented, is that the Display Processor invokes the Process Driver with $LOG=SUMM - the thinking being that it would be a good thing most times to see the results of running the Display Process.
This can be over-ridden by specifying $LOG=NO in the parms when you specify the Display Process.