What to do if PostgreSQL tables get corrupted -- Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast
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What to do if PostgreSQL tables get corrupted -- Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast


Article ID: 204818


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


In the log, it shows error like this,

apiportal.muangthai.co.th dockerd[2876]: ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 726586 in pg_toast_2619
apiportal.muangthai.co.th dockerd[2876]: STATEMENT:  SELECT * FROM RSA_KEYS

That indicates the rsa_keys table is corrupted.

Then the portal cannot load the data from the corrupted table and won't  be working well.


Release : 4.2

Component : API PORTAL


It's usually due to hardware failure.

In a case, this occurs when a backup job is running in the background but doesn't shutdown the portal



1. The production portal should use external mysql database, please refer to product document, 


2. Before backup or other maintenance job, or vmotion, the portal server should be shutdown


To recover the corrupted table,

  • https://gist.github.com/supix/80f9a6111dc954cf38ee99b9dedf187a
  • Another solution is to dump and rebuild the corrupted table, here is an example for rsa_keys table,

1. dump the table to a sql file 

docker exec -it -u 0 <postgres db container> /bin/bash

pg_dump  -t rsa_keys portal -U admin > rsakey.sql

NOTE that the sql file is not a complete file because of the "missing chunk number" error.


2. drop the rsa_keys table

psql portal admin

drop table rsa_keys;


3. import the sql file

psql portal admin < rsakey.sql

(We recovered 31 records.)

4. manually add the constraint and index back, (the statements are from a good portal postgres DB with same pg_dump command)

psql portal admin

ALTER TABLE ONLY public.rsa_keys
    ADD CONSTRAINT rsa_keys_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uuid);

CREATE INDEX uuid_createts_idx ON public.rsa_keys USING btree (create_ts);

5. run ./portal.sh to restart portal




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