"Java Version is incompatible Please run this converter with Java 1.5 installed" when importing from IDM using the IGA Client Tools
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"Java Version is incompatible Please run this converter with Java 1.5 installed" when importing from IDM using the IGA Client Tools


Article ID: 204747


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


When attempting to import from Identity Manager using the Governance Client Tools it is throwing an error about Java 1.5: 
"Java Version is incompatible Please run this converter with Java 1.5 installed"


Release : 14.2, 14.3

Component : GovernanceMinder(Role & Compliance Manager)


Development of the Client Tools component of Governance slowed several versions ago and the focus has shifted to adding the features and functionality of the Client Tools directly into the browser based GUI interface.    

Product Management and the Development team will investigate this further and either update the tool to use a more current versions of software it depends on such as Java, or if all functionality has been moved into the browser interface begin the process of deprecating and removing the Client Tools from the product entirely. 


To import content from Identity Manager into Governance, you will define a connector and initiate the import as detailed in the documentation: