CA PIM: Can not open the Library Manager Menu in virtuoso, when PIM is running.
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CA PIM: Can not open the Library Manager Menu in virtuoso, when PIM is running.


Article ID: 204715


Updated On:


CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM)


Library Manager Menu in Virtuoso cannot be opened when PIM is running.
From the log of Virtuoso, this is due to child process of Virtuoso cannot be started.
If PIM is stopped, it is working fine without problem.
Adding specialpgm bypass for Virtuoso doesn't help.
This only happens only on 12.8 SP1 CP3, not on CP2.


Release : 12.8 SP1 CP3
Component : CA ControlMinder - Unix
OS : RHEL 6.10


The problem is resolved after applying the latest release of 12.8 SP1 (DE479823).