CMN-0009 Error Creating Ideas in the New UX Grid
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CMN-0009 Error Creating Ideas in the New UX Grid


Article ID: 204617


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After upgrading to Clarity 15.9, a user is having issues creating ideas from the Idea Grid. An error message is thrown when creating an Idea in the Modern UI / New UX if the OOTB Manager field is not populated. Previously we were able to create Ideas and not populate the Manager field.

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. In the New User Experience (UX), go to Ideas
  2. Add the Manager column to the grid view. Note that the Manager column does not have an asterisk signifying that it's required.
  3. Click the + (Plus) icon to add a New Row
  4. Populate the required fields in the new row: Subject and ID

Expected Results: The Idea is created

Actual Results: The Idea is not created, and an error similar to the following is thrown: 
CMN-0009: Attribute 'Manager' has invalid Lookup Value '{"_self":"http://<clarity>/ppm/rest/v1/lookups/BROWSE_PROJMGR/lookupValues/0"}'


Release : 15.9


Caused by DE58959


DE58959 is fixed in the 15.9.1 release. 


  • Remove the Manager column from the view OR 
  • Populate the Manager field and clear it back out after the Idea is created