The Load DATA WAREHOUSE (DWH) job - full load fails on the field: 'Project Template' with ID OBJ_METHODOLOGY
ERROR 2020-12-07 11:10:35,160 [DWH_LOOKUP_FIELD_MAPPING - Table input 2] dwh.event Table input 2 - Unexpected error
ERROR 2020-12-07 11:10:35,172 [DWH_LOOKUP_FIELD_MAPPING - Table input 2] dwh.event Table input 2 - org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException:
An error occurred executing SQL:
select (case
when exists (SELECT 1
( LAST_UPDATED_DATE is null or LAST_UPDATED_DATE >= to_date('1910/01/01 00:00:00', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:mi:ss') )
then 1
else 0
end) as record_exists
from dual
[CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "LAST_UPDATED_DATE": invalid identifier
Release : 15.9
The issue is that the lookup query PMO Project Templates is not having a last_updated_date and is not suitable for the Data Warehouse. This lookup is not meant to be included this is why it's restricted. For you, it was probably enabled previously, on the 14.x versions where we hadn't yet set those attributes to restricted to avoid DWH issues.
Note: This solution is only valid for the OOTB field OBJ_METHODOLOGY. This is an OOTB attribute that is NOT meant to be in Data Warehouse and is selected and greyed out. This solution is NOT VALID for custom attributes.
update odf_custom_attributes
set is_system =0
where object_name ='project'
and internal_name ='obj_methodology'
---1 row will be updatedcommit
In Clarity, uncheck the obj_methodology attribute on the Project object from the Data Warehouse
Run the Load Data Warehouse job - Full Load
Once done, run the query to set the attribute back to System:
update odf_custom_attributes
set is_system =1
where object_name ='project'
and internal_name ='obj_methodology'
Restart services again
For custom lookups please ensure the lookups follow the Best Practices here: Communities Tech Tip on Data Warehouse Lookups
Reference also: