False High Aggregate Memory Utilization Showing in CA UIM.
[TemplateApplier1, snmpcollector] Found template map for device xx.xx.xx.xx
[TemplateApplier1, snmpcollector] TemplateSynchronizer: turning off metrics configured in deactivated or deleted template(s) WBSDC
[TemplateApplier1, snmpcollector] TemplateSynchronizer: turning off metrics configured in deactivated or deleted template(s) New-CHeckpoint
[TemplateApplier1, snmpcollector] TemplateSynchronizer: turning off metrics configured in deactivated or deleted template(s) Network
UIM 9.0.2
Follow the below step:-
1- stop snmpCollector and baseline engine at hub where reside the snmpCollector that monitor devices that display incorrect alarm at Alarm Subsistem
2- stop baseline engine at Primary Hub
3- At primary hub, moved to a safe place all files and subdirectories under path \Nimsoft\probes\slm\baseline_engine\cache_dir leaving \Nimsoft\probes\slm\baseline_engine\cache_dir folder empty
4- Restart Baseline_engine on primary hub
5- Restart snmpCollector that monitor devices that display incorrect alarm at Alarm Subsystem
6- Restart the other baseline_engines that remained down and restarted all snmpCollector to force baseline information be regenerated.
7- In case that you use other probe that use baseline to calculate alarm you need to restart it also.