Some abended or unsuccessfully terminated jobs with O dependencies are not archived with PARM='ARCH,ALLC'
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Some abended or unsuccessfully terminated jobs with O dependencies are not archived with PARM='ARCH,ALLC'


Article ID: 204490


Updated On:


Jobtrac Automic Automation Intelligence


Jobs with O dependencies that have abended or terminated unsuccessfully are not showing in archive reports when using 
PARM='ARCH,ALLC'.  Jobs with O dependencies require verification of the event's output, therefore the archive job will
not remove these from the checkpoint.



Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


 Jobtrac will not archive events that have the O dependency.  The O dependency purpose is that someone first has to check  the job output to confirm it is okay.  These jobs will not be removed from the checkpoint by the archive job.  See description of O dependency below:


Output release dependency. This dependency does not affect submission of the event, but it requires verification 
of the event's output (balance reports and so on) after the event completes. No Jobtrac-controlled successors 
to the event can run until the O code is removed manually

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.