Environment CA LDAP (15.1) on z/OS V2.3.
Security tests have shown that the port used by CA LDAP could be vulnerable to the renegotiation by the Client (CVE-2011-1473) and
did not use the TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV to prevent the downgrade to an earlier version of TLS.
To resolve the problems
The following action was taken
Added the parameter TLSProtocolMin:
TLSKeyringName CALDAP/CALDAP_keyring_label
TLSCertificateLabel CALDAP_certificat_label_signed
TLSProtocolMin tls1.2
Is this the action to be taken to resolve this issue?
Top Secret 16.0
Component : CA LDAP Server 15.1
The environment is controlled by IBM software.
LDAP is configured to use TLS1.2 or higher when set.
TLSProtocolMin TLS1.2
IBM software could be using other overrides such as GSK_XXX environment variables.
So it is IBM SSL that makes the final decisions on the settings.