JCP not working since implementing HTTPS
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JCP not working since implementing HTTPS


Article ID: 204423


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


You are installing or upgrading to Automation Engine 12.1.1 and you are trying to make JCP work with HTTPS.

You created the certificates and the associated keystore but upon starting the JCP you get the error:

U00045101 The alias "jetty" does not exist in the keystore 


Release : 12.1.x, 12.2.x and 12.3.x



  • You have to change the current alias in your keystore to jetty.

To determine what your current alias is, execute the following command:

  • keytool -list -keystore <keystore name> -storepass <store password>

This command will return something similar to this:

Your keystore contains 1 entry

alias_name, Dec 3, 2020, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): BE:3E:CD:C6:CC:53:28:B0:B2:02:60:14:DE:F4:A0:74:27:98:E7:D7

The value "alias_name" is the alias name in the keystore.

  • To change this to jetty, please execute this command:
  • keytool -changealias -alias "alias_name" -destalias "jetty" -keystore  "<keystore name> -storepass <store password"
  • You can now start your JCP successfully

Additional Information

Note:  If you upgrade to Automic 12.2.5 or higher and Automic 12.3.3 or higher -> you will have to convert the Java Keystore from JKS format to PKCS12.

Please following this KB for the directions:


  • The root certificate needs to be imported into the Windows Trusted Root Certificate location on Windows
  • Also the encryption of the storepass or keystore is not supported