SYSVIEW: SECU005E message with DETAILS command
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SYSVIEW: SECU005E message with DETAILS command


Article ID: 204376


Updated On: 10-05-2023


SYSVIEW Performance Management


Some users are saying that the DETAILS command has not the same behavior after the upgrade from SYSVIEW 15.0 to 16.0.

These users got the error message: 

SECU005E userid not authorized for DETAILS command 

Granting access to those users for the DETAILS command has fixed the problem. However, there was no grant access for the same command to work with SYSVIEW 15.0, so did something changed?
Are there any other similar issues with other commands?  

SYSVIEW 16.0 XXXX -------- CTASKS, CICS Active Tasks ------ 24-11-2020 22:00:42

Command ====>                                                 Scroll *===> CSR

SECU005E userid not authorized for DETAILS command


SYSVIEW 15.0 & 16.0 - z/OS supported releases -    


It seems that the DETAILS command has failed in the SYSVIEW 15.0 security file too. The difference between SYSVIEW 15.0 and 16.0 is that with SYSVIEW 15.0 the SELECT line command from CTASKS would issue the SMFRPT command to display the detail data. With SYSVIEW 16.0, the SELECT line command from CTASKS now issues the DETAILS command, so this is the behavior change that is seeing  (meaning in 15.0, the user had access to the SMFRPT command, but did not have access to the DETAILS command in 16.0). About other similar issues with other SYSVIEW 16.0 commands, there is anything other than the 'S' and 'SD' line commands from CTASKS that were changed to now use DETAILS. All the other instances where DETAILS is being used are for new commands or line commands in SYSVIEW 16.0.