Report Scheduler reset scheduling when editing
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Report Scheduler reset scheduling when editing


Article ID: 204373


Updated On:


CA Business Service Insight


Product:  CA Business Service Insight
When editing an existing report with an existing report schedule, the editing mask is reset to the default values.

For example: 
An report scheduled on 5th of every month is reset to the default (1st of month) when editing the scheduling. 


BSI Fix 8

Component : CA Business Service Insight


Steps to Reproduce:---------------------
1. Login to BSI environment as default user
2. Click on Reports tab- Reports Folder
3. Select any existing Booklet type record and click edit
Note: Ensure that this booklet will have a schedule defined, if not create one for reproducing the behavior
4. If already a schedule is defined, note the recurrence pattern on the popup window
5. Note that the re-occurrence pattern is not reflecting the same value that is pre-defined for the booklet, but will default to basic OTB values in this case.


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