We have a system running running CASPOOL and Connect:Direct. We have no C:D printers defined but when CASPOOL initializes we get this message.
ESF170 Connect:Direct Interface Initialized, Max session count - 1
C:D is in the LNKLST. Does CASPOOL search for a specific C:D module in order to initialize the interface? I could not find any parms in the initialization parmlib.
Release : 12.0 14.0
Component : CA Spool
When CA Spool starts, it tries to establish an API environment and checks the release level if the Connect:Direct load library is present either in the STEPLIB DD of the CA Spool task or in LNKLST.
If you do not have any Connect:Direct nodes defined to CA Spool, you can just ignore the message as it is not a charged option and if CA Spool does not find the interface modules it continues initialization normally.