Certain devices from a harvester don't show current last flow times
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Certain devices from a harvester don't show current last flow times


Article ID: 204352


Updated On: 05-23-2022


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


If you ever run into an issue where NFA interfaces show current data but the last flow times are behind, this is one rare scenario that could be the issue.

First you will want to to check the D:/CA/NFA/Reporter/Logs/PumpLog2020-xx-xx from today for errors like this on the harvester which has this issue:

18:31:19 5 - DataConverter: Processing 1606847400-x.x.x.x.flt
18:31:21 2 - DataConverter-ReaperDC-line346: Subquery returns more than 1 row

If you see that subquery issue, actions will need to be taken to resolve this.




This is caused by bad data in the database. That bad data is usually a duplicate router or interface entry.


  1. Please open a CMD prompt on the NFA console and type: mysql reporter -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "delete from routers where id not in (select routerid from interfaces);"
  2. Wait 20 minutes exactly and see if the problem is resolved. If it is not resolved and the same error exists in the pump log, we will need to turn up logging to find the device(s) with issue. 
  3. As an administrator in Notepad, edit x:\CA\NFA\REPORTER\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.PumpService\bin\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.PumpService.exe.config.
  4. Locate these values:
    1.         <setProperties Severity="4"/>
    2.         <setProperties EventSeverity="4"/>
  5. Change the values from 4 to 5 and save the file. Then restart the NetQoS Reporter Analyzer Pump Service.
  6. Wait 20 minutes and then check the PumpLog*-xx-xx.log.
  7. Search for the subquery error from the bottom of the log up and there should be extra logging before the subquery error like this:
    1. 19:01:34 6 - DataConverter: About to query for 1 agents in the database for RouterAddress: x.x.x.x HarvesterAddress: x.x.x.x
    2. 19:01:34 2 - DataConverter-ReaperDC-line346: Subquery returns more than 1 row
  8. The next step is to set the logging level back to 4 for both lines and restart the service. Do not leave level 5 logging on as it will cause issues.
  9. Now to clean up the error, go to Enable Interfaces and delete the router that caused the subquery error. If you cannot delete that device, contact Broadcom NFA support for additional help.
  10. This process may have to be repeated a few times for different devices but the subquery error should go away and the last flow times should eventually update.