Getting message "The source does not support the query, due to a runtime limitation"
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Getting message "The source does not support the query, due to a runtime limitation"


Article ID: 204290


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


We are getting this error message "The source does not support the query, due to a runtime limitation" on multiple views in NetOps Portal


Release : 20.2

Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration


In vertica.log we see:

2020-11-30 22:56:22.229 Init Session:7fbc7ffff700 <ERROR> @v_drdata_node0003: 42501/4917: TempFileManager: Cannot open temp file [/data/drdata/v_drdata_node0003_data/Sort_Temp_54043195376468992.dat]: Read-only file system


Vertica data is spread across all nodes in a cluster.

If one node is having issues, that data will not be available when queried.


See system admin to resolve file system access issues.

It is also suggested to verify drive integrity if these are physical hosts.