After upgrading Spectrum there are LINK AGGREGATION CONDITION IS CRITICAL alarms. How can these be disabled?
Release: 20.2.x
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms
Code Defect
The code should work like this:
If the below device attributes are set to a value other than '0' but, not greater than 100 then these attributes are used during the threshold comparisons
Critical_Threshold (0x2202c0)
Major_Threshold (0x2202bf)
Minor_Threshold (0x2202be)
If the LACP_IF_Port attributes are set to '0' or greater than 100 then the below VNM attributes values are used during the threshold comparisons
LACPCriticalThresholdPercent (0x1321e)
LACPMajorThresholdPercent (0x1321d)
LACPMinorThresholdPercent (0x1321c)
If LACP port level attributes are all set to '0' and VNM LACP threshold attributes are set to greater than 100
from the 'Attributes Tab', then the default values of the VNM attributes are set. These
values are hard coded in this method NOTE: If the threshold attributes of both VNM and LACP_IF_Port level all are set to '0'
then no threshold will be calculated.
Code changes have been included in Spectrum release
For DX NetOps Spectrum install