dr_validate failed
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dr_validate failed


Article ID: 204262


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


I am doing a fresh installed on a new DR host then performed a dr_validate step but it was failed because the validation found the existing Vertica package and required the database to be up in order to verify the db connection. 



Verifying that sshd AllowTcpForwarding is enabled. ......................[ OK ]
Ensuring /etc/rc.local is executable. ...................................[ OK ]
Existing Vertica package discovered - need to perform database connectivity testing.
dradmin@hostname's password:
bash: /opt/vertica/bin/admintools: No such file or directory
Database must be up and running to verify database connection properties in drinstall.properties! [FAIL]
Please start your database via admintools and re-execute this script.
[user@hostname /CA/IMDataRepository_vertica9 112]%








Release : 20.2

Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration


Vertica was uninstalled, but elements of the installation still remain


remove /home/dradmin folder

also remove any other folders related to Vertica, such as data and catalog folders

You may also need to run yum remove vertica-10.1.1-20.x86_64 and then re-run the dr_validate script.