This article discusses the necessary browser level configurations required for Single Sign On (SSO or Pass Thru Authentication) to function for the Service Desk application.
Release : 17.1 and higher
Single Sign On is a functionality that involves configuring NTLM or Kerberos based authentication. Most web browsers by default do not have this functionality enabled. Along with configuring Single Sign On for the given Service Desk implementation, one must also configure the browsers.
Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Edge (note: These three browsers rely on the OS level internet settings)
Information on configuring Single Sign On for IIS:
Information on configuring Single Sign On for Tomcat (Waffle):
The above instructions are accurate to the time of this document's writing on Dec, 2020. One may find in future browser releases that the relevant settings have been moved or possibly disabled depending on browser design. Please consult documentation related to your browser to determine current status of NTLM/Kerberos based authentication.
Some settings may also be locked out due to on-site security requirements. You may need to consult with your local security to determine their policies and if any override/exceptions can be granted.