Remove User Set Proxy
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Remove User Set Proxy


Article ID: 204189


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


A user has left the organization, but did not remove the proxy under the Account Settings - Proxy tab. 

How can his proxy settings be set to 'Do not use a proxy' if that user is no longer available to login and update it via the UI?


Release : All

Component : CA PPM Administration


If possible, login as that user and change this setting via the UI. If it is not possible to login as that user, run the following query in the database: 

update cmn_sec_users set use_proxy = 0 where id = <internal user ID>;

Then flush the Clarity cache. 

Additional Information

Please see KB98199: Flush Clarity Server Cache for steps on how to flush the Clarity cache.