Defined in CVDEPENU(SARJCL1), and loaded with SARDBASE OLOAD, is a hardcoded jobcard.
It was done this way because there are CICS users who have IDs that do not conform to job standards, and their UserIDs cause jobs to fail with JCL errors.
There are a few operators that need to reprint reports that are not allowed to use a particular LogonID, and there was an attempt to use SARBCH /DEFUSER to define a jobcard for them.
When the operator goes to reprint a report, the DEFUSER jobcard does display, but when submitted, the job is overridden to the SARJCL1 jobcard and the job fails due to insufficient authority to use the LOGONID.
How can certain users be defined to use the DEFUSER jobcard?
Release : 14.0
Component : CA View