Export to CSV using Clarity UI
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Export to CSV using Clarity UI


Article ID: 204141


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Users facing issue in extracting Project data from Clarity Modern UI. When trying to export to CSV it shows us message like "Export in Progress. Download will be available in notifications"  and there was no export file generated. 

The same export when done in classic clarity or small subset of records the export file is saved immediately. 


Clarity PPM supported releases.


This working as designed and if you are not seeing the notification on the bell Icon on Modern UX it s due to your Account Settings for Notification.


The export to excel design is different for clarity new UX when compared to clarity classic UI. The behavior when exporting rows above 500 then the export will work in the background, it is not that application is failed to process the export.

The following explains the expected export to excel functionality:

  1. If your view includes 500 or fewer rows, your new CSV export file is produced immediately.
  2. If your view includes more than 500 rows, the message Export in Progress. Download will be available in notifications appears. 
  • The application assigns jobid_viewname.csv as the downloaded CSV file name. For example, if your view name is Export Investment, the downloaded file name is 5000021_Export Investment.csv.
  • The file is saved and is available for download up to seven days from the date of download.
  • The notification displays the date in mmm-dd-yyyy format The export runs in the background. You can continue working in the application.
  •  When the file is exported and available for download, a notification appears in the notification (bell) icon at the top right of all pages in Clarity to alert you.Click the notification (bell) icon to view a link to the file you exported.Click the link to download the CSV file.To cancel the export, click Cancel
Note: In order to see the notification on the Modern UX bell Icon once the export is completed at background, you need to set your Account settings and below are the steps 
  • Login to Clarity Classic UX and Navigate to Home --> Personal --Account Settings
  • From the Account Settings: Personal Information click on Notification tab 
  • Now on Account Settings: Notifications Check Alert for 'Reports and Jobs' in order to receive notification on Modern UX bell Icon 


  • The reason reports and Jobs Alert is checked because when the export to csv is larger than 500 record there is a job called Export to CSV that triggers automatically
  • Once the job is completed, you can click on the job instance and you will see the Export Download link in the job log entries and you can copy and paste the link in the browser and file will get downloaded. 
  • Also on the modern UX it will show the notification in the bell Icon as the file is now ready to be downloaded and you can click on the notification to download the file and delete the notification too by clicking on the bin icon once on the notification